Ao Kuang is a god in Smite.


Regal, powerful, the Dragon-God of the Eastern Sea commands storms and tides with the flick of a claw, yet he seethes with rage for past humiliations. As one of four Dragon-Gods, Ao Kuang demands tribute from those along the Eastern shores. For their worship, tides remain calm, rivers contained, and rainfall for crops plentiful. It was not always like this, however. Long ago, Ao Kuang grew greedy and expected greater sacrifices. When they were not given, he sent floods, tidal waves, and devastating storms, striking so much fear into the people they dared not speak of this violence to the Jade Emperor. Ao Kuang enjoyed his total control. Then came Sun Wukong to his undersea palace seeking a weapon for his famous journey to the West. Despite the offer of other weapons, Sun Wukong took the Ruyi Jingu Bang, an immense pillar that aided in controlling the tides. It was believed none could even lift it, but Sun Wukong spun it with ease. As if this were not humiliating enough, Sun Wukong demanded other gifts of armor, shoes, and helm, all of which Ao Kuang was forced to supply. Next, the demigod boy Nezha, playing in a stream, inadvertently shook Ao Kuang’s palace. Annoyed, the Dragon-God set forth his favorite scout to kill the child, but Nezha defended himself and the scout was slain. Furious, Ao Kuang ordered his third son to destroy Nezha, yet Nehza slew him as well. Completely outraged, Ao Kuang went to Nezha’s father and threatened to take the issue before the Jade Emperor, but Nezha tackled the Dragon-King and forced him to submit. Such repeated shame and humiliation have both humbled Ao Kuang and tempered his fury to steely resolve. Long has he awaited his chance to rise again and exert dominance as a great Dragon-God of the Sea.

Ao Kuang

Dragon King of the Eastern Seas

picture of Ao Kuang

Melee, Magical

High Single Target Damage

Role IconMage
Pantheon IconChinese

Jade Dragons


Jade Dragons

Favor: 0

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Gems: 0

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Favor: 0

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Gems: 0

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Standard Ao Kuang


Standard Ao Kuang

Favor: 0

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Gems: 0

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Dragon King


Dragon King

Favor: 25000

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Gems: 250

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Favor: 9500

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Gems: 200

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Favor: 9500

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Gems: 100

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Favor: 0

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Gems: 1200

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Clockwork Knight


Clockwork Knight

Favor: 0

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Gems: 1200

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Cursed Bloodline


Cursed Bloodline

Favor: 0

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Gems: 1200

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Dragon Templar


Dragon Templar

Favor: 0

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Gems: 0

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Sand Viper


Sand Viper

Favor: 0

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Gems: 1200

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The Chosen Dragon


The Chosen Dragon

Favor: 0

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Gems: 1200

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Dragon Knight


Dragon Knight

Favor: 0

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Gems: 0

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