Ix Chel is a god in Smite.


There are many stories about Ix Chel, and her faces are as myriad as the phases of the moon. Among some tribes she is known as the Great End or the Red Rainbow. Among others, She of the Pale Face. But she is perhaps best known as the Lady of the Rainbows. Whatever her sobriquet, Ix Chel is a goddess of facets; the moon is within her purview, and fertility as well. She is associated with life and medicine, but death walks in her shadow. All the colors of the rainbow are hers to command, but she weaves them into catastrophe for those who dare stand against her. She commands the storms to wash away those who anger her, but brings the rain to those who need it. But though her roles are many, she takes her responsibilities seriously. It is said that Ix Chel was there at the beginning of the universe, and that her children, the Bacabs, took the form of jaguars to race to the edges of the world, in order to hold it up. Ix Chel herself often takes the form of a great jaguar to achieve her ends – such as when she fled her husband, the sun god, or made war on her enemies. With her spindle, she guides the motion of the universe, weaving together the formative elements of existence so that creation rises from destruction – and vice versa. But now, that ancient cycle is under threat. The pantheons are slow to confront the foe before them, and their petty rivalries and grievances endanger all that is. Thus it falls to Ix Chel to paint a picture of hope, and light the way to a new dawn...whatever the cost.

Ix Chel

The Light Weaver

picture of Ix Chel

Ranged, Magical

High Crowd Control, High Sustain, Medium Area Damage

Role IconMage
Pantheon IconMaya




Favor: 0

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Gems: 0

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Rainbow Warrior


Rainbow Warrior

Favor: 0

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Gems: 0

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Standard Ix Chel


Standard Ix Chel

Favor: 0

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Gems: 0

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Crimson Light


Crimson Light

Favor: 9500

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Gems: 100

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Favor: 9500

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Gems: 200

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Dark Prism


Dark Prism

Favor: 0

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Gems: 1200

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