Maman Brigitte is a god in Smite.


It’s said that wherever there’s a party, Maman Brigitte won’t be far. She wanders between the burying grounds of the world, appearing to her worshippers as a stylish and sometimes fanciful young woman with a cup of hot-pepper infused rum in one hand and a cigar in the other. She doles out wisdom and insults equally, never hesitating to show her followers a bit of tough love if she feels its needed. Boisterous, foul-mouthed, and fiery of temperament, she is venerated as a protector and is called upon when there are people in need of healing, either physically or spiritually. Despite her sharp tongue and insouciant manner, Brigitte is considered one of the wisest of the Lwa who comprise the Gede nanchon. She is the consort of Baron Samedi, and like him often acts as an intermediary between mortals and the creator spirit, Damballa, as well as the spirits of the dead. And, like Samedi, she enjoys a good celebration, especially those held in her honor. But this is not to say that she doesn’t take her role as a shepherdess of souls seriously, especially when it involves the spirits of women, for whom Brigitte feels a special affection. In addition, she watches over the graves of her worshippers, and helps the souls of the dying pass safely into the afterlife. She also nurtures those who are sick, but not yet ready to die. In all things, she is a caretaker and a protector – if not always a kindly one. And it is in her capacity as protector that Maman Brigitte has been drawn to the current fray. As monsters rampage across the world, she is compelled to act in defence of mortals, whether they worship her or not. After all, the best parties are victory parties…

Maman Brigitte

Protector of the Dead

picture of Maman Brigitte

Melee, Magical

High Single Target Damage

Role IconMage
Pantheon IconVoodoo




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Gems: 0

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Standard Maman Brigitte


Standard Maman Brigitte

Favor: 0

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Gems: 0

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Biting Countess


Biting Countess

Favor: 0

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Gems: 1200

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Favor: 9500

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Gems: 200

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Spiced Elixir


Spiced Elixir

Favor: 9500

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Gems: 100

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