Nut is a god in Smite.


Nut, the goddess of the nighttime sky, is known to those who seek her protection by many names. To some, she is She Who Protects, for it is her task to guard against any who might interfere with the rising of the sun. To others, she is Coverer of the Sky, for she is the night and her body is the stars. But to most, she is simply the Mistress of All, for it was said to be Nut who bore the first gods and brought them into the world. Whatever her title, Nut is a protector of the innocent, both in life and the afterlife. As a mother cares for her children, so too does she care for the mortals who live and thrive beneath her stars. The dead ask her to intercede on their behalf, and she nourishes them with food and drink before they make their final journey into the afterlife. She also ensures that the sun and moon make their journeys uninterrupted, and that the ordered cosmos is kept safe from the sea of chaos that threatens to engulf it. She is mother of Osiris and Set, and guardian of Ra. She is wife of Geb, though Ra deemed their union unfit and sent Shu, God of the Wind, to separate them eternally. But now that separation might be coming to an early end. The world is changing, and the gods change with it. The old stories fade, and new ones are written. Who is to say what the future holds for Nut? All she knows is that she is eager to find out.


Goddess of the Sky

picture of Nut

Ranged, Physical

Medium Area Damage, High Attack Speed

Role IconHunter
Pantheon IconEgyptian




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Standard Nut


Standard Nut

Favor: 0

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Favor: 9500

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Gems: 0

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The Cosmos


The Cosmos

Favor: 9500

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Gems: 0

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