Set is a god in Smite.


Imagine you can, if only for the briefest of moments, glimpse the future. Your spirit yearns to see all that you hold dear prosper, shining like a beacon against all the rest of creation, defiant against hardship and basking in the glow of peace and security. Imagine then, seeing the truth, a truth of an altogether different kind. You see your kingdom, the divine beings who protect it and its mortal peoples, and upon looking closer, you see a rot begin to form. A weakness, fraying away at the very heart, a fundamental absence of strength that threatens to spread, yawning wide into a void that will consume all. What lengths would you go to, to prevent this from happening? What would you sacrifice, whose blood would you be willing to spill? For the god Set, he would pay any price, even the blood of his own brother, Osiris. Set saw the tyrannical control his brother held over the land, the hoarding of strength and power even from his own son. He looked to that son, fair Horus, starved of the means to take the reigns of command when his appointed time came, incapable of leading them into any future but darkness. Set looked upon an unworthy king, and a worse successor, and he chose to act. He knew the world would seek to damn him, to decry his deeds as those of a murderer, slavering for power. But Set would endure such lies, to save his kingdom. He would seize the throne back from the unworthy and the weak, from the sinister and the corrupt, and in time, when the truth of the world mirrored the truth he desired in his heart, they would throng the streets to praise him. Set would be their deliverance, no matter the cost.


The Usurper

picture of Set

Melee, Physical

High Single Target Damage

Role IconAssassin
Pantheon IconEgyptian

Standard Set


Standard Set

Favor: 0

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Gems: 0

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Aureate Usurper


Aureate Usurper

Favor: 9500

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Gems: 100

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Favor: 9500

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Gems: 200

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Accursed Soul


Accursed Soul

Favor: 0

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Gems: 1200

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Jade Dragon


Jade Dragon

Favor: 0

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Gems: 1200

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Plague Minister


Plague Minister

Favor: 0

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Gems: 0

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Favor: 0

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Gems: 1200

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Sir Sandington


Sir Sandington

Favor: 0

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Gems: 0

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